
You do not need to be a member of IATSE to be referred for work. You will need to contact our Business Agent via email or by phone if you are interested and available to work in our jurisdiction. You should supply the Business Agent with a resume so that we can see what experience you have. Then we place you in a position suited to your strengths as the need arises.

You will be expected to bring your own basic tools when referred for work. The tools needed may vary depending on your assignment. The minimum tools would include gloves and a “C” wrench. A multi-tool and flashlight are also very handy. You will be expected to have “show blacks” available if you are asked to work any show calls.

Anytime you are referred for work with a new employer, you should bring proper ID for payroll processing. The most common forms of acceptable ID may include a Passport or a Driver’s License and Social Security Card. You will be asked to fill out a W-4 and I-9 before you can get paid. Please be aware that you are not an employee of the Local, but an employee of the companies that we refer you to. Sometimes you will be paid directly by the company and sometimes you will be paid by a third party payroll service.